Mzungu! Mzungu! Mzungu! MZUNGU!!!

9 april 2017 - Arusha, Tanzania

"Well spotted I'm a Mzungu" the best line on a Tshirt I've seen so far. Mzungu means white person, so people call me that all the time. They say it to me, whisper it to each other with or without pointing fingers.

Walking down the street and people only see your white skin. People seem to want to be friends with the mzungu's like a 12 year old girl yesterday, she needed to practice exams but preferred to walk around town with me. Children say "howareyou!" unaware that it's 3 words and a question you might answer.
Many people are assuming that you have a lot money only because you're white and some people on the street will say "Mzungu! Give me my money"

Last week I was i the capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. Not really a place where there are many tourists. But it seems nice. After my busride of toooo many days (previous blog) I descided to spend some time in Dar. Within one minute on the street I see a Masaai (most famous tribe) in his traditional clothes. So I look at him thinking "wow a Masaai!" and I found myself staring. He stares at me, I'm the only white person around. Kind of an awkward moment...
In Dar es Salaam I went out, met nice people. It's really hot in Dar but you can't show your knees (untill you're in a club and there ladies are close to naked) and even some people find it offencive if you can see naked shoulders.
One day at the city beach with a nice fish market. Many boats and fishermen and a beautiful sunset.
Again I'm the only Mzungu untill late at night when I met a Dutch girl, she has ths most awesome project ever. Organising music festivals around Tanzania where people, youth, are motivated to get tested on HIV. (GUTz foundation)

These days in Dar with people on the street, fishermen on the beach, groups of guys hiding from the sun or rain I had this conversation/interaction many, many times:
Guy('s) "Mzungu"
Me, smiling and continue walking.
Guy('s) "Mzungu!!"
Me, waving and keep walking.
Guy('s) "MZUNGU! Come here!!" (Or the hand gesture to come) "Mambo (how are you?)"
Me "Poa (good) Do you speak English?"
Guy('s) "Me no English"
Me "Me no Swahili"
Guy('s) "Me no English"
Me "Ok bye, kwaheri (bye)"
Got to love a good conversation.... ;-)

After Dar I left for Arusha. A bus from 11.00 untill 23.00 to arrive. Sounds long for Dutch understandings, but for me only 12 hours for my next destination, awesome!
Arusha a city with a lot of divercity. Many people on the street, many Masaai men, women in Bourka's many Indian men (and great Indian food!) and a few white people. (Still get a lot of staring, whispering and "Mzungu!" or "Mzungu!! Howareyou!")
One day walking around found some nice African slippers. And the next day on a touristy cultural tour, making my own coffee and walking trough een mountain village, going to some waterfalls having a cold shower. It's very different from the village in Malawi where I've been. I never ever had so many bananas as in this one day, lady finger bananas, bananawine, bananasoup, fried bananas and coocked bananas. Luckely I like bananas :-)

With some other tourists I went out, live music meant dancing your ass of at Cher, believe in love after love. And at another bar some african dance with mainly local music mixed with the occasional Justin Bieber song and 80's/90's R&B. With other Mzungu's is very nice to divide some Mzungu attention.

Yesterday I was walking on the street getting annoyed by all people calling me "Mzungu!" And then a toddler looks at me starts smiling, laughing, jumping, almost glowing "Mzungu!" I wave and she starts glowing even more. Ok my day is good again. I can handle the staring, whispering and people calling me "Mzungu!" again.

Today I'll go to another small village near Arusha and tomorrow I'm of to Nairobi.

Kwaheri! Only two weeks left in beautiful Africa!


1 Reactie

  1. Wieteke:
    10 april 2017
    So snel alweer.... Wat vliegt de tijd. Weet je dan ook al waneer de volgende reis gaat starten?
    Geniet er van, en doe iedereen die ik ken in Thika/Nairobi de groetjes.
    Xxx wieteke