Mount Mulanje

12 maart 2017


My legs are recovering. Wow a 4 day hike to the third highest peak of Africa! It was insane, beautiful and I think way too dangerous!

The first day we needed to do shopping first since I needed to bring all my food for the 4 day hike. Since I never before needed to supply for 4 days (even in Amsterdam I do groceries almost every day) I needed to improvise. Dates, instand noodles, boiled eggs, apples, energybars, peanutbutter and bread. And not forget that I needed to carry it al up the mountains myself, so not to.many heavy items!
After shopping, 4 packed minibusses and a motortaxi trough beautifull thea plantations we started the hike.
After 4 beautiful hours to the first hut. At the hut I had a nice improvised shower and a noodlesoup dinner. Going to bed very early!

Second day, early up to hike to the second hut and on the program was the highest peak for the afternoon. Unfortunatly it got cloudy so we could go up but there woudn't be much of a view. So we (or actually the guide) decided to stay at the hut and climb to the peak on the third day. So I catched up with some reading and learned the African game with the rocks. (Mankala) an awesome dinner of noodlesoup and early to bed again.

The third day was The Big Day. Going to the top! We left the backpacks down and only carried some food and drinks. In 3 hours up to the top and 2 hours down to the hut. I really thought that it would be hiking but it turned out to be closer to rockclimbing! No vegetation, only rocks. My shoes kept slipping away. While the guide was going up easely and making some phone calls I was struggeling using both hands and feet to get up. He pointed out some waterfalls and I just experienced the waterfall of sweat on my forehead.... I felt so out of shape!
Going up I coudn't think on how I could ever go down the same way without dying... my guide ensured me I would be fine. (Fingers crossed)
We climbed up, it became a little bit cloudy but it was still so beautiful.Going down is scarier then going up. Eventhough it was a little bit slippery I managed to not fall this day. Not even once!
After the top we had a two hour break before we continued to the third hut. This was 3 hour hike with many "bridges" and water crossings. The third old hut where I had a lovely noodlesoup for dinner before going to sleep.

The night before the last day it apparently rained a lot (i slept trough it) so the next day it was slippery, we went down the steepest possible hike down ever. And it was so slippery!!
Me, after falling 4 times "I don't like it anymore? Will it get less steep?"
Guide "Yes it will get less steep"
Me, one hour later after my 8th fall "So when will it get less steep?"
Guide "in 20 minutes we'll be at the village it's mostly flat and a lit
